Trees as Tall as Fairy Tales

We spent  three wonderful days with Jenna and Kyle.We cooked dinner together, watched a few movies, and simply enjoyed chatting and catching up. We explored the charming streets of San Francisco and hiked through enchanting Muir Woods. That hike was possibly one of my favorite experiences so far. Time felt still and quite in the trees, and I swore fairy tales were born there. If not fairy tales, than surely the forest moon of Endor (Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi). Red Wood trees jutted out from the ground in spires as tall as skyscrapers, creating a lush and green canopy that even blocked the sky. I certainly didn’t mind.

With renewed energy and excitement we bid farewell to Jenna and Kyle and kicked off our return to the East Coast. We woke up at 4:45am yeserday to catch a 7:30am flight from San Francisco to Seattle, Washington. From there we were picked up by the branch manager of the same company who gave us the Jeep Grand Cherokee to drive from East to West. The branch manager, Scott, was a single, burly and boisterous middle-aged man who wore a Hawaiian collared t-shirt (you know the one I’m talking about) and cursed like a sailor. His black toupee and mustache made him look like a disheveled Charlie Chapman, and I sensed that he felt younger than he actually was. He told us a series of unfortunate but partially amusing events that led him to move from his hometown of Hollywood to the pines and mountains of  Seattle, Washington. I won’t go into detail but it involved flat tires and a bullet through his windshield. He has resided in Seattle for over twenty years and has managed the driveaway company for the last 15 years. Although he was abrasive, loud and frightfully disorganized, Scott was also incredibly kind. He gave us three bottles of water for our travels and made our transition into the next car smooth and stress-free. Thank you, Scott!

I’m typing this blog from somewhere in Washington in a washed-out, gold, 2000 Honda Civic. I admit it’s a bit of a downgrade from our 2013 Jeep Grand Cherokee, but I’m loving the leg room and it doesn’t smell like cigarettes – two very important details. Andrew says the brake pedal vibrates when he pushes on it, but I’m attributing it to how eager the car is to keep us safe. We need this baby to get us through Yellowstone, the Bad Lands of South Dakota and beyond. I think she can handle it…

Over the next few days I’ll be physically and emotionally challenged. We’ll be exploring Yellowstone, sleeping under the stars, and hopefully maintaining a healthy distance from any wildlife we come across. I know it’s irrational, but it’s the bears that put me over the edge. I’ll probably be one of those hikers that has bells covering me from head to toe with bear spray in hand and talking at an annoyingly loud volume. Those bears will know not to mess with me. I’m prepared for battle. Despite my apprehension, I’m really looking forward to seeing Yellowstone. We’ll be making the most of our brief stint by sleeping in tepees and canvas tents, and hiking as much as we can despite the driving we’ll have to do. The days will be warm and sunny and the nights will be cool and clear. I’m ready to see nature at its finest and can’t wait to see that blanket of stars.

My next blog post won’t be for another few days since there is a good chance we won’t have internet access during our time in Yellowstone, but you better believe I’ll be posting on Instagram.

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